CJH is back and I can feel my leg cramp a bit.. Must be from the sprinting haha.. This morning was super boring.. I was watching digimon tamer show from morning until 5pm haha.. It's like super no life!! While I was watching the show halfway, Michelle suddenly send me a jay chou chinese song and ask me whether the sing nice or not.. The starting part was super nice because of the guitar haha.. Then I ask her seng me more nice song.. Then continue watch my show.. It's was 5pm already and malcolm called me that they reach jurong east.. So I took my stuff and went out of my house.. When I reach the lou gan, I saw Malcolm, xian and irene walking towards my house already.. Shit Im late haha.. We reach my house, went in my room and xian use my laptop and go blogging.. Then I saw jian hui in one of the pic that was in louis blog haha.. Then they went to my blog, help me make the tag box, and the link to other people blog.. Then we took some pic from my laptop webcam..
Malcolm and me ate some choco to boost our energy.. Then they went to change their clothes and I continue watching my digimon tamers and play super mario 4. It is 6pm already so we went down to the lake park and jog.. But before we jog, we want to do some warm up first.. So we climb up the robe like a monkey then did some stretching.. And we started running.. Help xian carried her big water bottle and it was freaking heavy while running haha.. We follow irene pace because she is the slowest.. I think my walking speed is faster than her running speed!! Havent run 1 round, my leg start to cramp. Then irene suddenly give up cuz she very tired and not feeling well and not even 1/4 of the round is finished.. So we follow xian pace, now it is better but still a bit slow haha.. Then after 1 and a half round, xian tired then malcolm and me continued running.. Then when we are about to reach the ending point, we sprint across and I can feel like im a superman haha.. Then wait for the girls to reach the ending point.. Then they want to play the swing but I want to run 1 more round.. So they went to play the swing.. Malcolm and me continue jogging.. We finish jogging then I suggested to sprint until the place where the girls are.. But it was on the sand so malcolm dont want.. So I sprint alone and felt like a superman again :D hahahaha.. Help xian push the swing then I go play the swing too.. Then malcolm go climb up the pole so I go climb too haha.. I sat on the pole and it was very shaky!!! So scary!! Then when we were about to go.. We tried to jump down.. At first I dare not jump cuz look very high.. Then suddenly I jump down and dono where I got the courage from.. Actually it is quite fun but a bit pain.. Then malcolm jump down too.. Xian and irene went to play the see saw with the small kids.. Then Malcolm and me went to the jumping rope there where we can jump around haha.. Then from far we saw the kid fell down from the see saw and xian was beside the kid only.. Then the parent came and talk to them.. From our view, it look like the parent was scolding xian but we were wrong.. Then the girl come to the jumping rope and we jump together.. Then we went to climb the rope and sit on top and chat chat.. After the chatting, we went back from.. While we were walking back, I suggested to sprint from here to there again.. Then we sprint again haha.. Then we quickly hide behind the wall and wanted to scare the girls.. I was squatting down behind the wall preparing to scare the girls.. Then when they reach, I jump up and shout BOOOO!!! Then xian was like so shock and screaming.. Then irene just kena shock again and didnt scream.. I think she used to it..
After that we went to fitness corner, and tried to walk using our hand through the dip thingy.. Guess what??? We did it!! We improve from the last week training.. We tried the jumping thingy(forgot what it called), Malcolm jump until so far.. Then I was like how the heck he jump and asked him to teach me how to jump.. I jumped and luckily, it was quite far too :D HENG!!! Then I did some push up and the head must go under the bar.. It was freaking tired cuz my hand energy had been drained by xian water bottle.. So heavy... Then malcolm teach me a new method of push up.. Go down then push up then the leg and hand must clap together.. I tried and did some but then my leg almost cramp haha.. We did a lot of thing at the fitness corner.. Then we went back home.. I changed my clothes then help my mother prepare all the dishes.. Then we started eating and talk some stuff and watch jay chou movie.. Then I walk them to the mrt and talk some stuff.. Bid them farewell and I walk back home alone.. Then I think lots of wild imagination and stay calm by listening to singapore song :D Ok freaking tired already need to sleep.. Cya tmr..
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