Gave my name and hp no. to 2 completely stranger.. Today, the wushu IG will be celebrating cai coach birthday.. So everyone have to meet up at bugis 2pm sharp. I was late by 9 mins and met with ming hong at the mrt station first and walk to the fountain there.. While we were walking to our destination, a woman held us back.. I was listening to my song through earpice, so whatever she say I will just say yes and nod my head.. Then suddenly she ask for our name and number.. I was like huh??? Then ming hong told his particulars so I just follow him.. After that the woman let us go.. I ask ming hong what is it about.. He said that its about their company is finding new faces to do those model for advertisement. Wth!! I will just hang up the phone if they called.. We reach the fountain and the rest of the wushu IG member haven't reach.. Called them and they still at yi shun!! So we went to virtual lan and play dota.. After 1 hour of dota, they reached and went to a steamboat restaurant.. Said happy birthday to cai coach and we started eating.. We spam all their crab, chicken, fishballs and etc.. Their satay super unique.. One is ba ku teh meat on the satay stick, 1 long bean on the satay stick.. DAM COOL!! China satay... Then I took too much the fishballs(inside got seafood filling) and we couldn't finish it.. So cai coach make us play hand game.. Super fun!! Then im the last member in the team.. We make this rule, whoever lose will be punished.. Then we quickly take all the meat from our steamboat and place it on a plate.. Whoever lose, must clear finish.. Then everyone scare liao.. All too full cant eat liao.. So we started playing.. Finally my turn.. If I lose, my team must eat.. If I win, other team must eat.. So stress.. Then we started playing.. It was my turn, I just look at bing long face.. His face was expecting me to make a move.. But i just stare at him doing nothing.. He got impatient and look away for 1 sec.. I quickly change my hand sign and shout fifteen... Then he shock and quickly change his hand sign but TOO BAD TOO SLOW!! WOOHOO!! No need eat!! After the game, sang happy birthday song and other stuff and prepare to leave the restaurant.. Guess what I saw when I step out of the restaurant?? this house is totally flat.. So cool.. Walked to MRT, another woman stop me =.= and ask whether I occasionally come to bugis shopping.. I just say no hoping, she will let me go.. Then she say ok good!! Do you mind helping me to do a survey?? 1 min will do.. Sian no choice but to do the survey.. Sat down, gave me the survey sheet and ask me question.. First question is where do you shop most? I put jurong point then she started to ask those irrelevant question ZZZZ =.=
Woman : Are you a university student?
JH : nope, poly student.
Woman : How old are you?
JH : 17
Woman : So you haven't go ns?
JH : nope
Woman : Are you excited about going ns?
JH : abit
Woman with her shock face : you are the first person that say that
JH giving a fake smile : oh really?
Woman : ya why are u excited about it?
JH : Cuz got money to take? Can train? no need study?
Woman : Oh i see.. Did you go to gym?
JH about to complete survey: Seldom, went to gym 4th time only..
Woman shock face again : Wa but ur body look like u went to gym.. Broad shoulder, and the muscle..
JH : People born with different body??
Completed the survey.. "Ok finished the survey, bye" I said.. Quickly stand up and leave.. What a waste of my time.. After that went home..