Is today a unlucky or lucky day?? Still wondering.. When will it become realistic?? Today is super fun because today is LAB lesson!! WOOHOO!! Its so super fun.. Went school with Dick, Xian, Sam, Jenn to school then meet malcolm outside the booklink so we can walk together to W51C.. I feel like I changed personality with dick, cuz I wear long pants then dick go wear short pants.. hahahhaa.. After we meet up, Malcolm was like so high because he saw someone that makes him feel high.. LOL
Bid farewell to everyone and walkk to W15C with malcolm.. Went in the lab, wear the retard coat and prepare for lesson.. My team did the calculation and start to do the practical.. That is when the real fun start!! woohoo!! Play around with the chemical.. Mix here mix there.. Then when I add the indicator/indicater(dono how to spell), the crystal clear chemical turn to pink!! Super nice la.. Then malcolm suddenly tell me take photo with him.. We hold the flask and take a lot of photo.. Then when I add HCL in the pink chemical.. It turn back to white!! SUPER DUPER NICE!! How I wish got the video of it.. Then after we done the practical, we did a team photo.. HAHA.. Then I and malcolm did a strip animation.. LOL!! Later I will post the pic hehe.. Class ended and we are realeased early then wait for louis outside his lab.. Then I saw louis in the lab and we waved lol.. Then we went back to our class to put our heavy bag..
Xian and Sam went for the SOH talk so they didn't come with us for lunch.. I and louis bought sweet sour pork at the taiwan store, malcolm bought nasi lemak(nasi lemak give more protein and can do well for UT) and louis help irene to buy her ban mian.. Louis, malcolm and me talk a lot thing while waiting the old women to come down.. But she was so slow(expeceted from an old women), so we started eating first.. Eat finish, bought milo and went back to class.. At class was like totally slacking, no ppt to do and just need to do the protocol.. HAHA!! Then I tried to make a G-string from the milo carrier but it snapped :(
Malcolm show me his answer for the 5 question and I was laughing like mad!! haha!! Then 6P ended, went to toilet first.. After go toilet and walk back to class, Malcolm tried to do a stunt.. Then he hand almost slip LOL cuz very wet.. HAHA.. The math UT was like easy and hard... Some questions easy, some difficult.. Then the angle thingy, I dono how to find and left a bit of time.. So I put my favourite number haha!! Hope it will help me score.. After UT, Louis rush off for his camp.. Then I and malcolm went to Xian class.. Suddenly, we saw cindy outside the lift.. So I accompany malcolm walk to the lift there hoping she will wave to malcolm.. But sadly, she didn't see him.. We walk to mrt cuz xian need to go for her dance.. Then after bidding farewell, malcolm, irene and me went to mac and eat for dinner.. I bought fillet o fish, malcolm bought big mac, irene bought mac chicken... While I and malcolm was waiting for our food.. This yuan x 30 women was in front of me.. Then we used the math thingy to describe her.. Her body had a stretch factor of 500 and rotational factor of infinite.. Then we keep laughing and I think that women heard us!! HAHAA!! Then I won an apple pie WOOHOO!! OH YEAH LOLTTM!! Then we talk talk talk, and irene tried to argue with us but in the end she lose to us hahaha.. COGNITIVE!!! After eating finish, we went to shopping to find track pants.. We change the new generation.. Normally is guy follow girl when shopping.. Now is girl following guy when shopping which is irene.. LOL!! Furthermore, guy shopping compare to girl shopping is like a lot of difference!! haha!! We just took around 30 mins and done shopping, then girls is like every shop dono took how many mins.. If it is vivo city.. Confirm 1 day haven shop finish.. That why hate shopping with girls but with GF I dont mind :D hahaha.. Then went to a guitar and piano shop in CWP.. I saw a $118 guitar!! QUITE CHEAP!! Next time ask louis come help me see whether the guitar good or not.. If im not wrong.. the guitar called DD-39.. LOL!!
Then went to library to do our rj.. We saw a table with no people but there is book on it.. Then malcolm just take the book and throw 1 side then we do our rj.. After a while, a group walk past us and i heard something..
The group : Walao, they shift our book and sit our table..
But I was like heck care haha.. Then malcolm suddenly tell me go disturb jia yi together.. LOL FREAKING FUNNY!! Cant stop laughing!! After that we play spongebob slide and malcolm was like keep dying.. Then I wanted to save him and I died too.. HAHA!! After the library close, we went to mac and bought the double choco drink.. It was super nice and super expensive.. While we were drinking and chatting, we realized that mac got so many yuan man!! A yuan fan club of mac.. Then suddenly got this retard guy keep walking in circle around us.. Dono what he doing cuz he talk to himself also.. Then he put his cup filled with us on our table.. Then he just walk away.. WA!!!! wth sia!! Want to spit my saliva inside!! Then he suddenly came back and took his cup and do his crazy action.. I was like waiting for him to touch me then I can just whack him.. Harassing us like that.. ROAR!! Then malcolm suddenly suggest this idea.. I kick his left foot and he kick his right foot from his back, then he will bent down then we together smack his head.. Then faster run up the escalator... Lol feel like doing it but suddenly anyhow hit people can go jail lol.. Then after a while, that retard gone.. Then we continue to count the yuan.. Suddenly a pregnant women with a big stomach walk past us.. Then I and malcolm keep laughing.. Then he said "That one not counted LOL"
I realized this old guy wearing blue shirt keep walk past us 3 time already.. Then malcolm ask irene he walk until where.. Then irene take a peep and saw him walk to the restaurant and salute and walk back.. Then he walking style was like, left hand holding a rifle and and other hand up down up down.. He thought he in npcc or ncc lol!! Then he do it again freaking lot of time.. Then I change seat so I can just stare at him and see what he did.. lol then when we were about to go.. I faster follow him see where he go.. in the end he turn here turn there.. Dono where he go liao.. 2 retard we had met today lol.. Irene waited for jennifer at mrt station so malcolm took his bus and went in the mrt first.. The mrt so empty.. SHIOKNESS!! Then I had a peaceful and enjoyable sleep in the mrt :D haha thats all for today..