The half dead CJH is back in action.. Just had my dinner and is freaking full now :D Ok here goes JH tiring day story.. I was sleeping in the MRT as usual and when i reach woodlands, I received msg from xian again that we all go first. Then I told her we will be waiting for her. But she keep saying no need to wait for her, in the end we wait for xian haha.. Then we walk to school and bid farewell.. When I reach the staircase, it was like 8.27am!! 3 more mins to go or else I will be late.. So I chiong up the stair with my tired body. I was amazed that I chiong up 2 stairs in 10-15 seconds!! WOOHOO!! But when i reached the 5th floor, I was panting like mad and start to see blur image :( The class start as usual and I was suggesting clever idea as well lots of crap as usual.. But I still don't understand girls will keep laughing at my crap which I dont find it funny.. So weird haha.. Finally first break and I was freaking hungry.. I want to eat DOUBLE SKIN CHICKEN BOOGER!! But only have chicken booger :( Went to 7-11, booklink and southfood court.. Louis bought 2 milktea!! Don't drink finish the milktea too fast or u will dickson haha.. We went back to class and i continued my crap in class.. Lunch time woohoo!! Then we wait each other to end class.. But louis have tuition in class so malcolm and me went down to food haven first and help louis to buy nasi lemak.. While we were walking to food haven, we saw xian, dick and sam walking down the stair in E3. Then we wave to each other haha.. We queue up then louis came.. I told louis and dickson about yesterday incident and we were laughing like mad.. We ordered our food and went to sit.. I think I was super super suay to sit that place(U know I know).. But too tired so I dont care.. Ate our lunch and malcolm told everyone about his ghost experience and I still keep thinking about the fan thing.. SCARY!! We went back to class and quickly complete the excel and ppt.. My team took so long to finish the excel but the answer was completely from other team answer.. So there must be some mistake and luckily I spot it and faster change it. Left 5 mins to 1.30pm and I chiong the ppt.. Sweet and simple :D Before my presentation, I and louis talk talk in msn and im glad that my stamina improve :D but louis stamina decrease :( DONT WORRY we can train together!! Then I went to present with confidence and went back to my seat.. Then xian sabo me and doris thx me for no reason.. Then irene was talking about me and doris again.. Then I was like very tired and pissed off and I just told her that I want to punch her.. Then we continued to quarel.. If she in my class I will really go whack her.. Then some flashback from my past remind me of something and make me stop quarelling.. I do not want it to happen again just like when I was pri 5.. Then I go and find a new theme for my Hp and i found a really really cool and nice theme(in my point of view) Then I download mario game in my Hp and I was playing my Hp throughout the presentation and 6P haha.. Class ended and my class got book again!! #%!@^#^@$#!@#!@ So I and malcolm went to louis class.. I watch bleach first then start to do my evualation and RJ.. Then when I was doing Rj halfway, sam suddenly webcam me and show me xian sleeping in the talk haha.. Then sam told me to turn my lappy to malcolm but he dont want and quickly run away and fell down so hilarious haha.. Then suddenly irene say she going ITE then louis say STFU then I say shut up haha.. Then irene said some stuff then I and louis plan properly and type NO ONE CARES together :D So fun then irene said that leave if u all dont care.. Then I and louis leave together at once haha GOOD JOB louis!! Then suddenly xian awake and went to sam lappy.. She put her little finger in the nostril then i imitate her and put both little finger in my 2 nostril and make a pig face haha!! Then the talk ended and the webcam ended.. I resume my RJ and done :D Now my RJ words increase and thx to blogging.. NOW MY RJ CAN SCROLL UP AND DOWN WOOOHOO!! DIck and xian reach louis class and Im doing my physic worksheet.. Then I watch underworld LYCAN!! The show so nice and I like the part when the lycan fight with the vampire.. Then dick suddenly draw this weird ugly creature and my name was on the board.. It was like WTH.. Then we pack up and leave.. Just nice it is 7pm and remind me of the ghost in W1 that happen after 7pm.. When we were about to leave the class, I quickly erase my name on the board( dont want the ghost to follow me home :( ) We walk to MRT and bid farewell and went in the train.. Feel so good to be alone in the train :D When I was about to reach home, I suddenly received a msg from an unknown people.. The msg said this "Hi Nora seeya this sat 1030am at my office novena sq tower A 12 floor@ novena mrt.. Apelles " Then i replied her who the heck are u?? sorry wrong number.. Then I took out my lappy from my bag and guess what??? My laptop didnt off and it was as hot as oven!! I think I can cook egg on my laptop.. Then when I open my laptop, Trojan was detected WTH!!!! Super Suay.. Ok time to do 2 set of diamond push up and crunches and light out!! cya