Basically, nothing happen much today.. Went lunch with the usual group, eat U mian.. Went back class sing birthday song.. Then malcolm distribute the sweet to everyone.. The sweet look like a roll thingy sweet.. So I ate it and put it at the side of the mouth.. After that I want to take it out but couldn't take out.. SO I used the method that I had used when I eat mocchi at sakea sushi.. POP!! Then it came off.. Then I start to unroll it inside my mouth and pull it out.. Look at my long tongue!! Cool right??
Went for wushu, did a lot training.. After wushu, I feel like a old man.. Every step I took, I can feel this sharp pain on my right knee joint.. Then walk to MRT.. Felt lonely and sad.. Reach home, cook my dinner.. Dont want to eat fried rice again, so I took out my sec 2 home economics secret receipe book. Cook yee mian.. Delicious :D
Thats all bye