Hi people.. Im back from my bath :D Unlike some smelly people hehe.. Early the morning 8am, on my computer and watch some show.. Chat with sam on msn to kill time and went off to vivo city. This afternoon met with dickson at harbourfront mrt station and went to the rooftop of the vivo city to find them. We reach the rooftop but we couldn't find angel and amirah.. Guess what?? They were just sitting beside us and we didnt see them at all.. Omg.. Then settle down with them, blow some bubble while waiting for atiqah arrival.. The bubble thingy has a low quality and it is expected since it is made from china.. Atiqah finally arrived with her friend called sandy or cindy i think.. Then cut cake, sing birthday song and the girls smash the cake in atiqah face haha.. Then went to toilet and dick have to leave first.. So left me and the 5 girls.. Feel so awkward.. Then went to long john silver together and have our lunch.. When we were walking, we encounter this steep slope and we had to overcome this obstacle.. So we started climbing.. Amirah slip and fell hahaha.. Eat finish, went to this shop called asian geographic.. Then we saw this freezing container room and wanted to try.. So Amirah and me went to buy the ticket for it.. It cost 1 dollar only.. Well you all know.. Ladies first :) So amirah went in the room, wearing the jacket. Her expression was so funny and I bet the room inside is freaking cold.. I took a video of her when she was in the room.. I will upload it on facebook.. Her 1 min was up and it was my turn.. Wore the jacket and went in the room.. The moment My right foot step in the room, I can feel this coldness!! SO COLD!! Then those girls outside told me to do some pose.. So I did some and something unexpected happen.. Suddenly, a lot of stranger crowded around the room and look at me while I was posing.. I become a super model already lol.. Then after that it was angel turn.. She did many pose too haha.. Then went to arcade look look.. After that went to pet safari shop, the dog in the cage was super cute haha.. So furry and small.. After that follow the girl window shopping.. SIAN!!! While we were window shopping, there is this puma guy ask us some question.. All we need to do is draw anything u want on the whiteboard that is related to puma.. Then write ur name and hp.no on it and take a photo.. It is somewhat like a contest. If ur pic is the best, then they will call u and u will receive prizes.. So the birthday girl Atiqah do the drawing.. Suddenly, that stupid puma guy take another whiteboard and ask the rest whether they want to participate or not.. Then the girls force me to draw.. =.=" I anyhow draw some stickman on it and give them.. That guy told me to wear one of the puma thing and have to take pic with the drawing.. I quickly change my drawing into a better one hahaha.. Drew the puma leopard.. After all the process, they continued window shopping.. So I left at 3.30pm and went home.. Once I reach home, on my laptop and read the blog that dickson told me to.. Just nice after reading finish, xian suddenly ask me about the blog too.. So we chat about.. After chatting, went to jog.. While I was jogging, this small squirrel fell from the tree and land on my shoulder!!! At first, I started jumping around, thought that got some disgusting on my shoulder. But it is not hahaha.. It grip tightly on my shirt so I hold its body and pull it away from my shirt.. Lol the squirrel body so soft and comfty.. haha Then I release him near the bush and went home.. Cook fried rice and some chicken for my dinner.. It was delicious :D
Thats all.. Time to play bye ^^