I was eating london choco roll :D But I saw the london choco roll in the tv advertisement.. It was like very big and lots of choco cream inside.. But then!!! It was super small and 2 bite can finsh already!! WTH tio scam!!! Louis persuaded me to come today for school then dickson PS me for not coming to school.. Then went back to class and the faci change our team again.. I WAS LIKE WOOHOO!! Another team without poison breath, but malcolm kena dragon and poison breath :( God bless him.. Then we intended to buy the listerine and the insect spray thingy for their mouth.. HAHA.. The faci show us the best answer from the student that had taken the quiz.. And the answer is completely identical from mine and it is really my answer.. Then she still give me a C.. What a bitch india.. Then Ra ba'ah suddenly want to take solo pic of everyone in the class.. Then malcolm was like advertising his ribena when taking the photo.. HAHA.. Then I copied him and advertise my HP :D with a nike hand sign.. Those who see the pic of me advertising my hp confirm will go buy my hp haha jk.. Then I tried to wear michelle spectacle and took some photo.. I look completely different and my team was laughing like hell.. After all those funny commotion, I felt my energy kena drained and feel super tired.. Then we went to eat for lunch at food haven, we bought 6 bowl of U mian haha.. Then we wait for everyone and eat together.. After we eat finish, we return back the bowl and went back to class.. Starting our ppt then suddenly the wushu people msn me and talk to me.. DIE!! Then my team was the first to present and I was like kena rape during the presentation.. Juraimy keep unzip and zip my jacket while explaining the stupid process of the DNA.. Then went back to my seat, and wait for 6p.. 6P finally started and it was freaking long!! I was super cold and my eye was super heavy.. Every second, my eye will close and sleep a bit..
6P finally over then went up to louis class.. Went toilet with louis and sleep immediately once I sit down.. After a quick good nap, I chiong my RJ then look at louis classmate play CS haha.. Then went to booklink with xian to buy her POA book then wait for irene.. After irene came, we went to eat western food.. Eat finish, went to a place that has plug and did our quiz, evaulation and submit RJ.. Then malcolm show me his sparring video competition.. It was like awesome.. But when he fell down, I couldn't stop laughing!! But in the end he won.. COOL.. Then I watch some wushu sparring video on youtube and make me feel like going back to wushu training :( But I think after UT then I will decide.. Louis show me something on the facebook and he look really happy haha.. We did some discussion on the worksheet but we are like totally dono how to do.. So we went back home and hope louis sis know how to do.. But he suddenly msn me that her sis dono how to do.. GG hahaha!! So we decide to sleep early then tml lunch discuss.. If still dono we ask faci to teach us.. ok need sleep too tired.. Need conserve more energy.. CONSERVATION IG!!!
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