Woohoo!! Just watch finish hotshot ep 4.. So funny!! Cant stop laughing :D Good thing that this could cure my 18 level of hell in class today!! Now kaya was like having friendly argument with me HAHA cant stop laughing!!
Oh ya!! today 11/11 happened a lot of thing.. got good thing and bad thing.. First of all congrats to louis!! Good luck.. And hope the rest who had something bad happened just forget it and start a new..
This morning went to school, went in class and it was totally dark as usual.. Then just remember something.. bio lesson, bio UT and worst of all BIO FACI STUPID SIAN FACE!! How to survive this 18 lvl of hell?!?! So I go entertain my team to forget about this stupid bio faci.. In the end, we are laughing like hell haha.. Went lunch and bought chicken rice.. Louis bought chicken roasted pork with extra rice.. And it was only $3.30 so cheap haha.. Then we eat finish and wait for the girls to eat finish.. I was like bored then took the dark soy sauce and pour in my soup.. Then I mix it together and it look like so.. haha u all know la.. Then louis dick and me try 1 spoon of the tasty SOUP.. The 3 musketeer drink the soup bravely!! haha!! After we drink finish, we almost died haha!! Then bought hot milo to boost me in class to stay active and went back to class.. Then malcolm tried to make a g string using the carrier thing hahaha.. look so real!! Then complete 6p and went down to buy something to tahan the UT.. The UT was like SUPER DUPER easy!! just joking.. a bit hard la haha.. Then Ut finish, malcolm need to go for ftt and louis need go somewhere else.. Then I watch a bit of hot shot while i switch on my phone.. Just nice when my phone ready to use, irene called me.. Then I walk 1 big round in RP to walk to E3.. Cool huh?? haha Then climb up to 7th floor.. SUPER TIRED!! then when I meet them.. They said lets go home.. I was like wth la!!! tell me go up then go down again.. ZZZZZ
I went back home then they went to AMK haha.. Then around at night, I was watching hotshot half way.. Suddenly received a sms, ARE U COURTING DEATH?? wa.. I totally stun.. suddenly so random.. Then in the end problem solved.. And now this kaya still wan to argue with me haha.. But I still.. I won..
Ok sleep time!! Anyway Im not going school tml bye bye
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