Friday, January 15, 2010


Today got so many things happened.. Firstly is the stupid pic with the sound that scare the shit out of me.. I was playing castle age and watch hai pai tian xin at class then malcolm sent me this link and asked me to watch.. I thought got some important things, so i click the link.. Waited for the web to load it.. SUDDENLY, THE SOUND BLAST THROUGH FROM MY EAR PIECE AND THE STUPID BLOODY FACE appear on my screen.. I was like "WA!!" then jump back, making a stupid scared face.. Luckily behind me got wall, or else I will fall off from my chair!!! Scare the shit out of me.. So I make a mass convo and tell them the link.. Hope u all like it :) After spent quite long on changing my msn nick colour hahha..

Went for lunch, ate peanut porridge.. ARGH!!! Ordered wrong!!! Should have order minced meat porridge!! Not filling at all.. Went back class and start on worksheet and ppt... The weirdest thing is that we present while sitting down and the faci is standing up.. LOL It's suppose to be the other way round.. After that, went louis class and continue my hai pai tian xin.. HAHHA SUPER FUNNY!! BOTH OF THEM DRUNK AND DID SO MANY SILLY THINGS.. After that went for wushu training..

Thx louis, U saved my life.. Without the 2 dollar of yours, I dont think I can survive during training.. Bought red bull and drink.. Red bull gives u wings.. It make me feel full and full of energy even though it lasted for a few hours only.. Finally learnt 1 set of my tao lu and now coach ask me to practice the spinning thing on the ground.. U have to lie on the floor then spin ur whip and then jump with ur butt and spin the whip underneath ur butt.. This is my first time doing, so I don't know how to jump with my butt.. So I tried.. Jumped and look like a worm wriggling around.. ZZZ So coach teach me and finally be able to jump.. Jump 2 time only, and my butt hurts.. After that continue practice my first set to make it perfect.. After training, I look down and saw my leg bleeding.. I was like huh?? Bleed so much blood but not pain.. So went toilet and wash the blood away..

AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Pain like hell!! Jumping around with my left foot like an idiot in the toilet.. After wushu training, went back home..